Pain Units
Directory of Pain Units available in Andalusia.
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AAD News
POSITIONING AND RECOMMENDATIONS IN RELATION TO THE COVID-19 VACCINATION CAMPAIGN IN PATIENTS WITH FIBROMYALGIA AND RDS. CHRONIC FATIGUE Proclaimed the new Board of Directors of the AAD as a result of the Elections of April 23 AAD Partners - Documentation for AAD Elections 2021 AAD Members - Call for Elections to the Board of Directors of the AAD from 2021
January 2022
Greeting from Dr. Ignacio Velázquez Rivera, President of the AAD
Dear members, I take advantage of these lines to wish you Merry Christmas and a more kind, generous and hopeful year 2022.
It is true that we are going through particularly difficult personal and health circumstances, sometimes stormy, but we must not give up our efforts to continue working to improve the quality of care for our patients, it is our vocation and our determined will to collaborate with all health administrations public and private institutions to offer them our knowledge and effort.
In this year ahead, whenever the epidemic situation allows it, we will maintain a series of face-to-face scientific events organized by our Association. We will carry out the traditional meeting with the partners that will be held in Huelva, a date still to be determined. In February, on the 18th and 19th, we will celebrate the XV Basic Training Course on Pain in Fuengirola, on this occasion, organized by the AAD Foundation.
We will also create a prize endowed with one thousand euros for the best publication on pain made in national or international journals by the partners during the year 2022 and it would be delivered the following year on the occasion of the partners’ meeting. The jury will be made up of the members of the Permanent Commission. To participate in the award, members must send the article to the AAD stating their desire to participate in it.
In another order of things, we are reviewing all the consents to try to adjust them to current legislation, incorporating some new ones and reforming those that require it. They will soon be available to all on the Association’s website.
Still to specify a date, between the end of October and the first of November, we will have our annual Congress, this time in Cádiz, led by Dr. Torres, a guaranteed success. It will be a good time, if this pandemic gives us a truce, to meet again in person and catch up on new treatments and knowledge about pain.
A hug
Ignacio Velázquez Rivera
President of the AAD
december 2021
Obituary for the death of Antonio Cañas

I don’t remember a year that has cut down so many known lives of friends and colleagues like this one that leaves us. The losses of Fernando Caba, Heliodoro Murillo or Julio Gallego, have been joined, in the death rattle of these damned 365 days, by the death of our colleague, companion and friend Antonio Cañas.
It is difficult to gloss the figure of a lost friend, but it is much more complex and painful for me to do it about someone whom you have considered a great friend for many years. Selfless, generous, kind, positive, lively, could be some of the multiple adjectives that would define his extraordinary personality.
I must admit that I still find it hard to believe that you have left us, that you have gone doing what you always liked and wanted to practice. I still remember you with that frank smile, with that good spirit that you always carried on your shoulder, with that contagious and overflowing optimism, with that frankness and loyalty that were your best bastions. Never, never did I find a bad gesture, never a negative comment about anything or anyone.
Antonio, goodbye, friend. You are gone, but you cannot deprive us of your memory, of having enjoyed your friendship, of having shared hours and hours with you that, at this time, seem scarce to us in the face of your sudden and unexpected absence.
RIP Antonio
If any member of the AAD wishes to be part of any of the AAD Working Groups, they must communicate it through the Web through the Contact section
Discover the Asociación Andaluza del Dolor
The Sociedad Andaluza del Dolor y Asistencia Continuada is a professional, multidisciplinary and non-profit association, founded with the intention of promoting and disseminating scientific content on pain among the Andalusian population, and raising awareness in society about this problem.
Advantages of joining
Joining the AAD is very simple, and will allow you to participate in our assemblies with voice and vote, attend our annual scientific meeting under special conditions, have a reduced fee in all our events and be able to elect and be elected to our Board of Directors.
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